Symbolism – Alternative Symbolism Artist



Marc Meißner, Germany
Historian, Cultural Scientist and Second Chairman of the Art-Association “Bernhard-Franke-Förderverein Bitterfeld-Wolfen e.V.”

Loizos Katinas is a very talented artist and specialized in Symbolism.

I had the unique experience on Rhodes Island in Greece to see his fantastic paintings. Thanks a lot for those impressions! His art is very colorful, thoughtful, expressive and even invites to dream.
With works like for instance “The Birth of Science”, “Alexander’s Dream” or “Nereides in the Land of Emotions” he deals with Greek history, questions of anthropology, religion, sciences and society. By it all his compositions of his paintings are thought-out, clever and they all show his well craftmanship. To his characteristics you can name the hidden details: different levels of meanings, little messages and also a kind of ambiguity. That’s why the observer needs a second or even more time to find all the well worked out details. So you always discover new elements or find new thoughts by observing his paintings. Beyond that I have to record that his work is not a specific Greek art. His painted messages and emotions are universal and transnational.
I hope that we could see more paintings from Loizos Katinas especially in Europe and I am waiting for an exhibition in Germany.

I wish this great painter all the best!

Elena Badea, Managing Director

Valoria Business Solutions

To whom it may concern 29th of September 2022

Recommendation letter

I discovered the beautiful paintings of Mr. Katinas Loizos three years ago, when I met him in person during a discovery trip to Rhodes Island. What intrigued me was the fact that he paints on a variety of subjects and uses a mix of elements from the symbolism and the alternative reality.

Each painting has many layers, which give to the viewer a wealth of different perspectives that can be just perceived or purposefully analyzed.

For me it was obvious from the first encounter with Mr. Katinas’ work that his own special technique and style speaks to me in the vibrant colors, but more so, in the intricate layers of his paintings.

The artist writes: “My first concern is to communicate with the unconscious mind because it holds the archetypes. The dream world is the starting point for the journey to the center of the unconscious. The aim is to make the viewer switch to a different reality.  Where the dialogue between the imaginary and the real takes place.”

Because I share the same convictions on how art and paintings in particular interacts with the viewer’s mind, I would like to express my appreciation for the work of the artist and hope that you will enjoy discovering the deep meanings of it as well.

Thank you for considering this recommendation.

Elena Bytilina  Digital Game Designer-Moscow

Travelling around the mysterious Rhodes Island introduced me to creative work of the amazing Rhodes artist- Loizos Katinas.
His works are full of the expressions, richness of paints, mastery’s ability to play with color.
They are filled with air, the hot southern sun.
The themes of his works are connected with history of Hellas; they are saturated by mystical spirit of the Rhodes.
The rich inner world of the artist fills his pictures with philosophical sense, aspiration to reach from history sources to understanding of essence of the present.
Looking at his pictures, you can get huge esthetic pleasure and desire to live!

Riitta Hiekkala

A fine painting of fabulous paintings from productive artist. How inventive and additional element of imagination positioning that fulfills the edge of the the edge of a painting. Allows the viewer to step inside world of fantasy. Brilliant the color management and the harmony fills a painting so that almost feels itself to be inside the painting!

Absolutely a spectacular painting!

Marian Whinnerah

I have seen illustrations of this mans work and there were a few of his creations that held me captive as my mind triggered my imagination, reading them like a book, wondering what was coming next. I look forward to seeing more of his work in the future.

Norunn Roalkvam

His paintings takes us into the world long time ago. They can learn us so many things from the history, if we open our eyes and see all the details. At the same time, they also give us room for our own journey there in our minds. But, his painting is also about life today. They can give us new perspective when we think we know best, and can also give us help when life is difficult. Look at all the faces, and you can feel pleasure, pain, happiness and wondering. His paintings have something for everyone. Enjoy all the details and beautiful colours, and make your own story too. You will not regret! Thank you Loizos!


Myriam Vegers 

We bought a very painting of an Angel from Loizo in may 2012. We met him in Greece-Rhodes. We are happy that we met this artist. He makes great artwork with lots of details but you can find your own thoughts in it. Clearly his mind is full of details and ideas but when this ideas come together in a painting its very beautiful!! We strongly do believe that he is a very great artist that should be acknowledged because in the future his skills will become even more worth.

This is an artist you should have a painting from!

Also the person Loizo is a very nice, gentle and kind men! Great that we have met you Loizo we wish you lots of succes & blessings for the future!!

Regards Anton en Myriam
The Netherlands
15 juni 2015

Δανάη Λαού

Koίταξα προσεχτικά όλα τα έργα του ΛΟΙΖΟΥ!! Το ένα καλύτερο απο το άλλο!!!!!!!! Καλλιτέχνης με μεγάλο ταλέντο!!!! Σίγουρα θα διαπρέψει στον καλιτεχνικό χώρο!!!!!

Sue Wilson

I have seen for myself first hand the masterpiece that is The Birth of Science from this wonderful artist. He has done many paintings that make your head wonder with intrigue. I have last year purchased the Greek fisherman in boat painting from him which is simply beautiful. I am privileged to know this man personally and count him as a friend.

Tina Standish

This gentleman is just that a real caring & gentle man with a terrific imaginative vision and an enquiring mind that he can transfer dramatically on canvas. He creates both drama and thoughtfulness with every stroke of his brush on his beautiful pictures.

Nonna Ugorets- New York

Loizos’s paintings are breath taking,very detailed and mind blowing. One can look at them and see the whole history of universe and own life. Bright colors
, thoughtfulness and all the detailes make your head spin and leaves wander what will be next. Thank you for this amazing work and pleasure you bring.

Παπαδοπούλου Βίκυ

Ο Λοΐζος, αν και ζωγράφος ο ίδιος, χρησιμοποιεί πολύ συχνά στα έργα του το συμβολισμό της πένας. Ιδιαίτερα στο συγκεκριμένο πίνακα ( The Battle of the Pen)  καταφέρνει να «γράψει» με το πινέλο του έναν εξαιρετικής σύλληψης πίνακα, αποδίδοντας ευφυέστατα τη ρήση του Σιμωνίδη:

«… ζωγραφίαν ποίησιν σιωπῶσαν προσαγορεύει [sc. ὁ Σιμωνίδης], τὴν δὲ ποίησιν ζωγραφίαν λαλοῦσαν»
«Η ζωγραφική είναι ποίηση σιωπώσα, η δε ποίηση είναι ζωγραφική λαλούσα»

Τα είδωλα που «γράφονται» με το πινέλο και αυτά που «ζωγραφίζονται» με την πένα αποτελούν κατά κάποιο τρόπο αντικατοπτρισμούς της ίδιας εναλλακτικής πραγματικότητας του Λοΐζου.

Εδώ θεωρώ ότι καταφέρνει να αποτυπώσει εξαιρετικά την αέναη μάχη των «ειδώλων» της εικόνας και του λόγου, ενάντια στο τέρας μιας «κατά σύμβαση» πραγματικότητας..

Χαράλαμπος Βλαχόπουλος

Πολλά από τα έργα που είδα σίγουρα έχουν μια θέση σε αίθουσες τέχνης και μάλιστα θα έλεγα και σε σύγχρονες αίθουσες….όπως το μουσείο σύγχρονης τέχνης της νέας Υόρκης….και του Λονδίνου…και σίγουρα και στο δικό μας στην Αθήνα….
….Φίλε μου Λοΐζο να σου ευχηθώ όπως πραγματικά τα έργα σου που με τόσο κόπο και αγωνία έχεις φτιάξει  όλα αυτά τα χρόνια, βρουν τον δρόμο τους ώστε να τα απολαύσουν όσο το δυνατόν πιο πολλοί…σαν πολύχρωμα πουλιά ζητούν να πετάξουν μακριά για να δουν τον κόσμο…..γιατί η τέχνη είναι το όνειρο, και ο σύγχρονος άνθρωπος το  έχει ανάγκη αυτό περισσότερο από ποτέ σήμερα…

Emmanuel Mahlis

This artwork by Loizos represents a very deep water well reaching deep into the emotional, spiritual and intellectual source of Humanism;
It demonstrates the need for Humanity to search for purpose And to express concepts and abstract thoughts beauty itself.
Loizos reaches deep into the heart and soul of the human psyche expressing the true nature of man’s quest for peace, harmony, spirituality and the connection to the mystery of life. The work is the beginning and not an end
To finding one’s true nature.


Elena Souv

Καλησπέρα. Θαυμάζω πολύ τους πίνακές σας. Ο συγκεκριμένος (connected) μου θυμίζει πολύ ένα δημιούργημα του Hundertwasser, ενός Aυστριακού ζωγράφου. Μπορείτε να ανατρέξετε για να καταλάβετε τι λέω.


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